Double Loop learning

A very interesting concept I recently came across, was the notion of double loop learning and thinking. Further research into the concept revealed the following: The term was initially coined by Chrys Argyris, Professor of Psychology and Organizational Development, and is as pictured:


It is common to analyze our actions, what we do, and correlate that to consequences or results. When we take a step further and analyze WHY we do what we do, based on what framework and what is the historical relevance to the construction of that framework, then we engage in double loop thinking.

Espoused theories of action refer to what is consciously accepted and believed in, however, these theories do not govern our behaviour and thus consequences. The theories-in-use however, do govern our behaviour yet we are seldom aware of them.

When action is intended for a purpose, feedback and adjustments in terms of action strategies related to this feedback related to single loop learning. It can lead to first order change and innovation. However, double loop learning leads to second order change and transformation. It transforms the governing values, beliefs and conceptual framework, which then has an effect on actions and strategies which in turn effects consequences and results.

This has implications in education as well, pertaining to feedback, do we utilize it for improvement or for accountability and is there tension between the two. To what extend can we transform institutional accountability to result in improved student learning and experiences.

The other implication is on a personal level, analyzing the existing framework, the historical influence and whether this framework needs more fluidity or exhaustive reconstruction. The end result being a transformational experience!

My encouragement to you is to take the time to reflect, analyze and ultimately question everything!! Have fun!!

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